The Gift of Rejection
Harness Your Pain to Propel Your Purpose
Greatness and mediocrity are separated by one thing--how you respond to rejection.
Through practical insights and unconventional wisdom, Nona helps you see rejection from a new vantage point. Instead of being a pain to heal, it becomes a teacher to learn from. The insights contained in this book have already changed the lives of more than 1 million people globally.
People who crumble beneath the weight of rejection never realize their full potential, but people who learn to use rejection as a catalyst experience fulfillment in their lives.
Nona Jones has experienced her fair share of rejection. Some of her earliest memories are of her mother's rejection, and those feelings persisted throughout her schooling, her career, and her infertility journey.
Things that seemed to come easily to others seemed unavailable to Nona--but what could have taken her down the path of failure actually brought her to her greatest achievements.
The secret? Seeing rejection as the gift that it is.
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